Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP There is a way to prevent know that my site is made wodpress?

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  • #10888
    Post count: 22

    I explain
    There is a plugin for firefox and google chrome used to detect programming the site as well as content manager. In this case wordpress.

    I leave a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/bxi0d7

    So everyone could know that wordpress use.
    Is there any way to avoid this?
    I thought it was going to hide, but not if the plugin include this feature.

    I tried it on other sites using HMWP, but everyone is detected using wordpress with this add-on

    The add-on is called: Wappalyzer
    Here is the link:


    Thank you.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, wappalyzer caches the result. So it might have cached your site results (that is before activating HMWP) and the same is being shown now. Can you please check your site with other detectors like whatwpthemeisthat.om, wpthemedetector.com, isitwp.com, etc?
    Also, please let us know your website URL.

    Post count: 22

    I do not believe

    I do not understand me.
    I checked this add-on in several places, HMWP currently using the plugin. Those sites I found in this forum. But Wappalyzer detects that are made with wordpress.

    Obviously not detectable by whatwpthemeisthat.om, wpthemedetector.com, isitwp.com, etc. I do not mean to those sites, I mean the Wappalyzer add-on.

    This add-on if it detects that the site is done with wordpress. I deleted my browser cache. I tested even from other computers. And from different places. But detects that it is done with wordpress.

    The plugin is failing in that respect. There must be some solution. One of the reasons I bought this plugin is because with this add-on (Wappalyzer) is detected wordpress.

    It’s not about the cache. Try yourself in firefox and install Wappalyzer see that detects that it is wordpress.

    My site is http://yosoyespiritual.com

    here is correct: http://prntscr.com/bycw0r
    Here the plugin does not work: http://prntscr.com/bycwg5

    Thanks for your time, I hope you can give me a solution

    Post count: 22

    You have not answered my question
    I would like to know what the solution
    Thank you

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, to my knowledge, wapplayzer caches the result and serves it from cache later. I’ve assigned this ticket to sr. support so that he can get back to you on this.

    Post count: 955

    I confirm,

    We tested HMWP with Wappalyzer right before current release, it worked nice. The problem is they constantly change their algorithm. Thanks, I consider it for future releases.

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