Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Multisite unable to access /wp-admin folder for entrusted users

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    I have a network, say: http://mymultisite.com, and I have always let my user login using http://mymultisite.com/wp-admin. After logging in, they will be redirected to the the folder /wp-admin with the page that says: “You attempted to access the “My Multisite” dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site…” and then allow them to choose their Dashboard (in case they have more than 1 site). With the plugin, it hides my /wp-admin folder so obviously the page doesn’t work anymore, even for that already-logged-in user, and they are unable to access that selection page, and officially stuck.

    I unchecked the “Hide wp-admin/ for untrusted users” option, and it works fine again.

    The test user is with the role name “Editor”, and of course add the role to “Entrusted users” and by using User Role Editor, I confirm that the test user already have hide_my_wp_trusted checked.

    I checked by logging in with different users with different capabilities (ALL with hide_my_wp_trusted) and only ones that are administrator can access that folder /wp-admin. All other users redirected to /wp-admin even with their roles as entrusted user.

    Please advise.

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    I’m wondering if there is any support on my issue? It’s been more than a week and I haven’t heard anything from you yet. Am I still on a queue?

    Please advise,


    Post count: 955

    First sorry for such a long delay,

    Could you please provide an admin user, too. It seems suppot is an ‘editor’.

    I think about new admin path as a possible solution.

    Post count: 8

    Please try again. It has been changed to Super Admin.

    ID: admin
    Password: ilovehmwp

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by afunworm.
    Post count: 8
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