For example, if you have the list like below (in your site’s HMWP settings page):
rewrite ^/mywp/template/lib/(.*) /mywp/wp-includes/$1 last;
rewrite ^/mywp/storage/(.*) /mywp/wp-content/uploads/$1 last;
rewrite ^/mywp/ext/aa405a34/(.*) /mywp/wp-content/plugins/akismet/$1 last;
rewrite ^/mywp/ajax /mywp/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php last;
rewrite ^/mywp/(readme\.html|wp-includes/$) /mywp/nothing_404_404 last;
rewrite ^/mywp/(index\.php|wp-content/repair\.php|index\.php|wp-admin/)(.*) /mywp/$1$2 last;
rewrite ^/mywp/(.*).php$ /mywp/nothing_404_404 last;
then add each of these redirect rules in your wpengine.
For example, for the first rule above, add following into wpengine:
Source: ^/mywp/template/lib/(.*)
Destination: /mywp/wp-includes/$1 last
Click ‘add another’ to add all the rules, and save them