Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP HMWP IDS Alert when visitor come from Google Ads

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  • #23875
    Post count: 6

    How do i stop HWM from Google Ads ?? does this mean HMP block visitor come from google ads ?? thanks
    User ID:
    Date: 2018-10-18T17:40:26+00:00
    Total Impact: 36
    Affected tags: xss sqli id lfi csrf rfe

    Affected parameters: REQUEST.gclid=CjwKCAjw3qDeBRBkEiwAsqeO7mOtp8Eg5NpHL7XWAAmSsR4iL3V1beh2TS8wn6SzGyF0o2l2DjQm-RoCHFcQAvD_BwE, GET.gclid=CjwKCAjw3qDeBRBkEiwAsqeO7mOtp8Eg5NpHL7XWAAmSsR4iL3V1beh2TS8wn6SzGyF0o2l2DjQm-RoCHFcQAvD_BwE,

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12478

    Hi, can you please set “Block Threshold” value to 40 in IDS Firewall tab? Also go to Dashboard >> Intrusions, hover over the requests mentioned above and click on exclude link. Let us know.

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