Hello –
I’m getting the following when enabled HMWP IDS and want to exclude/put as an exception. How would I do that?
The following potential attack has been detected by HMWP IDS.
If it’s you please Exclude that parameter or increase Notify Threshold from IDS settings.
In most cases you don’t need to do anything. Hide My WP protects you!
IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
User ID:
Date: 2020-05-02
Total Impact: 66
Affected tags: sqli id lfi xss csrf rfe
Affected parameters: REQUEST.custom=%7B%26quot%3Border_id%26quot%3B%3A4171%2C%26quot%3Border_key%26quot%3B%3A%26quot%3Bwc_order_m3YxSR4lSKVgs%26quot%3B%2C%26quot%3Burl%26quot%3B%3A%26quot%3Bhttps%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fmydomain.com%26quot%3B%7D, POST.custom=%7B%26quot%3Border_id%26quot%3B%3A4171%2C%26quot%3Border_key%26quot%3B%3A%26quot%3Bwc_order_m3YxSR4lSKVgs%26quot%3B%2C%26quot%3Burl%26quot%3B%3A%26quot%3Bhttps%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fmydomain.com%26quot%3B%7D,
Request URI: /wc-api/yith_paypal_ec/
Origin: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
and 2. How do I remove this from my source codes: \/\/