There is a small bug which disables automatic update in some versions.
4.511 is not valid number for plugin updater. So you simply need to change that to something lower (e.g. 4.5 or 4.4) just open plugin editor find hide-my-wp.php and change that number which is located at the top of the file.
Then go to Dashboard > Update > Check to see new version!
Also, you can opt for manual update:
– first goto HMWP > Start tab and do “Export current settings” and save it somewhere.
– download latest HMWP version, and delete hide_my_wp plugin folder from /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
– using FTP/cpanel upload latest hide_my_wp plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
– goto website backend and activate HMWP plugin.
– goto HMWP > Start tab and import settings (from previously saved settings)