Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP how to hide class id etc… from plugins

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  • #670
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    I still see ids, classes and so on that indicate the name of plugins within the source code.
    Is there a way to hide all that?
    (By replacing thoses words in HTML, obviously it does break the design of the site.)

    Post count: 1

    Hi again,
    More explanation:
    Actually I would like to get rid of some Wysija traces as well as Slidedek ones.
    I have ids and class named like those plugins, but also Var like “Var wysijaAjax”, … that appear in script. How could I get rid of script or those traces?

    I hope this is clearer.

    Post count: 955

    Technically it’s almost impossible for HMWP to predict IDs and scan their source codes to change them so we provide Replace in HTML feature that help on those cases.

    As you said it may break some plugins that acutely use those IDs or variables.

    You have two way:

    1) If they are in main page source code you can create a new js file in your theme directory and paste codes there and add it’s URL to header.php then remove other code by Replace in HTML

    2) Use Replace in HTML and change JS/CSS source codes manually. Not usually recommended.

    Unfortunately there’s no better way.

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