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  • #1729
    Post count: 11

    Two semi related questions here guys

    1. As far as your aware, does newer wordpress versions automatically work with: http://www.url.com/admin as apposed to having to enter /wp-admin – I know it didnt used to because thats one of the reaosns I bought your plugin. But my recent wordpress sites (that I havent installed your plugin on) are already working with /admin)

    2. Before the newer wordpress’s did this, i did test out your experimental feature of changing the wp-admin address. I added the required code in HTaccess and it did work fine. I cant remember what the reason was now, but I didn’t like it. I know I had a good reason though, so I removed that feature.

    However now, everytime I try to login in I just end up in a “logging in loop” and I have to go into my FTP, change the hidemywp name and then login in to make my website adjustments, and then rename your plugin back afterwards.

    In the settings of your plugin, the experimental feature still has “admin” in it, even after I try to delete it. In theory id just like to start fresh… but deleting your plugin and reinstalling it, keeps the same options. It mustn’t remove itself entirely from the database of something.

    Any advice? Have You heard of this before?

    ps: I have removed the admin code from wp-config

    pps. I will private message you my site details now

    Post count: 11
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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    /admin works in your websites with or without HMWP means that there is some other plugin or the theme itself that’s making it possible (for wordpress it’s /wp-admin by default)

    And are you sure http://www.jpmediaonline.co.uk/wp-admin is not accessible only when HMWP is active? What are the other active plugins in your site? Also, try adding following line in wp-config.php, to know what exactly is the error –
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Suman M..
    Post count: 11

    I am positive it only happens when HMWP is active. I have tested it numerous times and have had to be disabling it to log in for the last few months.

    I have disabled it now so you can log in yourself and have a look at the plugins and re-enable it when you choose (of course, after enabling it, it won’t take long before you get booted out because it changes the address)

    As for the /admin thing only working based on other plugins, I will test that theory out and report back out of interests sake 🙂

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I might have disabled Whitelabel plugin, please activate it. And can you please disable HMWP plugin again for us, so that we can look further into it.

    Post count: 11

    done and done 🙂

    Post count: 11


    Is there any more news on this?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I enabled HMWP for testing, and wp-admin no more accessible. Can you please provide us with FTP details so that we can look further into it (it seems HMWP compatiblity issue with the theme you are using).

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, the FTP works but it’s an empty directory (just one file .ftpquota); may be you gave access to wrong directory. Please check!

    Post count: 11

    whoops, my bad,

    I re-adjusted your access and should now work for you

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    In HMWP settings page, I’ve reset settings to WP, and then applied “medium privacy more compatibility” scheme.

    Now wordpress is not detected in your site with tools like wpthemedetector.com, whatwpthemeisthat.com.

    Renaming wp-admin option seems to be creating conflict in your site. Please do not enable this feature in your site.

    Post count: 11

    Thanks… atleast your technique has cleared the WP-admin box now.

    Interesting… ive just realised that I still can’t use /wp-admin to login

    I have to go into FTP and disable the HMWP plugin and then it works fine. Its really strange. I have looked all over the plugin settings and there is no redirecting option ticked.

    Any more ideas?

    ps. It may be of use to know that, before you did your reseting fix, if i enabled HMWP while in the admin, i would eventually be kicked out. However, that is the case no more. So once I am logged in, I am safe to enable HMWP again.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Direct access to wp-admin is disabled in HMWP settings. Use the new login path http://www.jpmediaonline.co.uk/wp-login.php?hide_my_wp=1234

    You can change the secret key “hide_my_wp=1234” in HMWP settings.

    Post count: 11

    Yea I know of that setting, but I disable that option because I am happier typing in wp-admin then I am wp-login.php?hide_my_wp=1234

    Especially with clients at least.

    So it seems that my HMWP thinks that option is enabled you think?

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