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  • #604
    Post count: 30

    Good day! “Wp minify” is not working at all. “Better wordpress minify” cant make work with your plugin. Can you help? What i need to change in urls? If possible make a test please.
    P.S. offcource i saw FAQ about it

    • This topic was modified 11 years ago by alexus.
    Post count: 955

    Hi again,

    I spent several hours to test wp-minify and Better WP Minfiy plus some more buggy plugins. The first things I notice is sometimes whether HMWP is activated or not minifcation fails. This is natural because minification is a complex task and activating different plugins may cause problem in it.

    I updated the FAQ to include some “important notice”. I also changed HMWP to solve some problems in minification of some URLs. These changes will be released in next version but you can do it yourself: Just search for following lines in hide-my-wp.php:

    $replace_word[0] = str_replace('.', '\.', $replace_word[0]);
    $replace_word[1] = str_replace('.', '\.', $replace_word[1]);

    and replace them with:

    $replace_word[0] = str_replace(array( 'amp;', '%2F','//', '.' ), array('', '/', '/','.'), $replace_word[0]);
    $replace_word[1] = str_replace(array('.','amp;'), array('\.',''), $replace_word[1]);

    You should replace them four times (in 4 locations). Don’t forget to read FAQ again.

    Post count: 30

    Wow big thanks! To be clear i should turn off HideMyWp and find minified files. Then activate HMW and use in replace urls that files and in the end of each for example css add ==mycss.css

    Post count: 955

    Yes, you are right!

    Post count: 5

    Is this still supported? Because I can´t seem to get it to work

    Post count: 955
    Post count: 5

    I did follow this guide! I found a total of 10 files (js and css) connected with wpb-minify. I listed all of those with the linkage prior to activation of HMWP.
    Do I need to create a different == term for each of my “blocks”? Or just put them all in one css and one in the js file?

    Furthermore on the page you are referring to it sais: “==MY_CSS.php” and “==MY_JS.php”. Is that correct? Shouldnt that be .css and .js ?

    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by learny.
    Post count: 5

    Any update on this?!

    Post count: 955

    @learny Sorry for delay, please create a new topic for your issue, next time.

    Yes, you should use Replace in HTML for all of theme. In other words one for each type (js or css)

    In case of extension you can use anything: css, js, php, or nothing, all will work!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Hassan.
    Post count: 955


    Another easier solution suggested by Alex:

    If you use latest version of Better WP Minify, just enable pretty minify URL and change path of minify directory. That’s all! For example change wp-content/cache/minify to /cache/m/ (create those directories manually. Note that they should be writable)

    Post count: 15


    So, what did you recommend for minify:

    W3 Tocal Cache or Better WordPress Minify?

    I like to use the few possible plugins, and W3 TC would be my option, but on your FAQ you say that we will need to change W3 TC core code, but this will break on updates (not a good option).

    Is W3 TC still needed to change the Core files or did you found a better solution? Did you contacted Plugin Author?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 955


    I updated the FAQ:
    I recommend Better WP Minify, you just need enable Friendly Minify URL (from advanced tab) and that’s all!

    You can also enable plugin rename from HMWP options or change cache directory by BWPM. For example change wp-content/cache/minify to /cache/m/. PS: You need to create those directories manually. They should be writable)

    Post count: 15

    Hi Hassan,

    But can I minify with W3 Total Cache with HMWP?

    If its possible without the need to change core files, I prefer to do it with W3TC, because BWPM is not updated for a while, and I prefer to use just one Plugin for Cache and Minify.

    Thank you.

    Post count: 15

    Hi Hassan,

    Could you check if I can minify with W3 Total Cache without changing Core Files?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 15

    Hi Hassan,

    I’m still waiting your answer.

    Thank you.

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