Home › Forums › WordPress Plugins › Hide My WP › Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuratio
- This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by
Suman M..
August 1, 2015 at 9:54 pm #3929
I m getting this errors on my apache logs, by searching on internet i found out that it s some looping on the htaccess.
Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuratio
but i cant find wich line.
can you help please !
August 1, 2015 at 9:56 pm #3930This reply has been marked as private.August 2, 2015 at 5:30 am #3935Hi, first of all try disabling HMWP plugin and see if the issue still exists. If the error is still there then probably it’s not HMWP plugin. Then try disabling “RedirectMatch” line and check. Let us know the result.
August 2, 2015 at 2:48 pm #3942ok i ll do and let you know
August 4, 2015 at 10:17 pm #3992Salam,
I did the test i disabled HMWP and i dindt get the error anymore and my website dindt crash during 2 day’s even if it was high traffic.
Any help please !?
August 5, 2015 at 5:12 am #3994Hi, can you please try this:
– goto HMWP Start Tab and click “reset settings to WP” button
– select ‘Medium Privacy – More Compatibility’ scheme and click ‘Save Settings’Note: Assuming that it’s WP single site and Apache server. Your site’s htaccess file should be writeable.
Let us know if you get the error after applying this settings.
August 5, 2015 at 10:52 am #3997Salam,
Well i just did now deleted old version and installed the new one with the setting you mentioned above.
so now i start monitoring and will let you know
August 7, 2015 at 11:18 pm #4044Salam
It been 2 days and still dont have this error after i used medium compatibility mode as you
suggested.but i would like keep using my old configuration if it s possible !
August 8, 2015 at 8:20 am #4045What is your old configuration, what options/features in HMWP you had enabled previously?
August 8, 2015 at 12:31 pm #4048Here is my previous exported setting
{"li":"a2d176ad-8fed-43da-94cb-32b67f6210e9","import_options":"","export_options":"","debug_report":"","help":"","undo":"","custom_404":"0","custom_404_page":"3651","trusted_user_roles":"","replace_mode":"safe","hide_wp_login":"on","login_query":"xloginx","admin_key":"570","hide_wp_admin":"on","spy_notifier":"","customized_htaccess":"","separator":"","cdn_path":"","email_from_name":"IBERGAG : Site marocain d'information communautaire","email_from_address":"noreply@test-mail.com","antispam":"on","full_hide":"on","hide_other_wp_files":"on","disable_directory_listing":"on","disable_canonical_redirect":"on","hide_admin_bar":"on","avoid_direct_access":"on","direct_access_except":"index.php, wp-content/repair.php, wp-comments-post.php, wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php, xmlrpc.php, wp-cron.php, tfo.php, ngx_pagespeed_statistics","exclude_theme_access":"","exclude_plugins_access":"","new_theme_path":"/template","new_style_name":"main.css","minify_new_style":"safe","new_include_path":"/template/lib","new_plugin_path":"/template/ext","rename_plugins":"all","new_upload_path":"http://img.ibergag.com","replace_comments_post":"submit_comment.php","replace_admin_ajax":"ajax","new_content_path":"","separator2":"","new_admin_path":"","separator3":"","author_enable":"1","author_base":"profile","author_query":"profile","author_without_base":"","feed_enable":"1","feed_base":"rss.xml","feed_query":"rss","post_enable":"1","post_base":"/%postname%/","post_query":"aid","page_enable":"1","page_base":"/page","page_query":"page_num","paginate_enable":"1","paginate_base":"list","paginate_query":"list","category_enable":"1","category_base":"mode","category_query":"category","tag_enable":"1","tag_base":"key","tag_query":"keyword","search_enable":"1","search_base":"find","search_query":"find","nice_search_redirect":"on","disable_archive":"","disable_other_wp":"","remove_html_comments":"safe","replace_javascript_path":"3","remove_feed_meta":"on","remove_other_meta":"on","remove_default_description":"on","remove_ver_scripts":"on","remove_body_class":"on","clean_post_class":"","remove_menu_class":"on","clean_new_style":"","replace_in_ajax":"on","replace_wpnonce":"on","enable_ids":"","ids_level":"1","ids_admin_include":"","ids_cookie":"","logger_link":"","log_ids_min":"1","block_ids_min":"20","email_ids_min":"10","exception_fields":"REQUEST.comment[new_line]POST.comment[new_line]REQUEST.permalink_structure[new_line]POST.permalink_structure[new_line]REQUEST.selection[new_line]POST.selection[new_line]REQUEST.content[new_line]POST.content[new_line]REQUEST.__utmz[new_line]COOKIE.__utmz[new_line]REQUEST.s_pers[new_line]COOKIE.s_pers[new_line]REQUEST.user_pass[new_line]POST.user_pass[new_line]REQUEST.pass1[new_line]POST.pass1[new_line]REQUEST.pass2[new_line]POST.pass2[new_line]REQUEST.password[new_line]POST.password[new_line]POST.hide_my_wp.%[new_line]REQUEST.hide_my_wp.%[new_line]POST.%import%[new_line]REQUEST.%import%[new_line]REQUEST.newcontent[new_line]POST.newcontent","ids_html_fields":"","replace1":"","replace2":"","db_ver":"4.511"}
and the htaccess is up if u need to check back
Thanks for help
August 9, 2015 at 5:07 am #4052So right now it’s ” ‘Medium Privacy – More Compatibility’ settings in place. Now you can goto each option and set it to the way you want, and see if the issue comes back or not.
August 9, 2015 at 12:20 pm #4053ok i will try and let you know
August 13, 2015 at 10:46 pm #4102Salam,
After 5 day’s monitoring ans switching option i found out witch option is giving me this error.
It’s the option :
Hide PHP Files Avoid direct access to php files (except wp-admin) *
index.php, wp-comments-post.php, wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php, xmlrpc.php, wp-cron.phpDo you undesrtan why ?
August 14, 2015 at 4:21 am #4103So, have you enabled (checked) this option in your site? Or is it that you are getting error “Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration“, no matter if you enable or disable the option “Hide PHP Files”.
We need to confirm this as we are not having any such issue in our test sites.
August 14, 2015 at 2:16 pm #4110I have this probléme only when this option is checked on HMWP now since i checked i dont have this error anymore.
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