WP Multisite Configuration (Apache Server)
Hide My WP is compatible with network enabled WordPress (WP Multisite). The site admin can change the settings and those settings will apply for entire network. To make HMW work with your multisite installation you need to edit your htaccess file manually.
To do that, go to plugin’s settings page (Network admin panel -> Settings) and click on “multisite configuration” button in start tab to see htaccess rewrite rules.
Now use a FTP program or hosting control panel and add those lines to your htaccess file right before following line:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
You can find the video tutorial here.
Note: For performance reasons HMW does not hide theme names in WPMU. But you may rename themes in /wp-content/themes directory (e.g. wp-content/themes/01/ , wp-content/themes/02/). The final result will be something like:
Note: You’ll need to update htaccess file whenever you make any changes to HMWP settings, or install new plugin/theme