Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Buddypress Photo Upload Problem

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  • #30818
    Post count: 51

    Hi. When Hide My WordPress is enabled, BuddyPress photo upload form and field are broken. What feature should we disable or enable in HMWP to resolve that problem? Please check screenshot:

    1. When HMWP is disabled, it look normal and works: https://prnt.sc/sq8yy6

    2. When HMWP enabled, is broken and doesn’t work: https://prnt.sc/sq8v5x

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12478

    Hi, sorry for replying late on this as it was in the spam folder (because of the content/links in it). If you are still having this issue then please do these:
    – empty out “ajax url”, “API Base”, “API Query” fields in HMWP Permalinks tab
    – if it’s still the issue then try disabling IDS option in Protection tab

    Let us know! Thanks!

    Post count: 51

    Hi. Thanks for the Support. All instructions followed, but the problem was not solved. Screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/t3zftw


    Post count: 51

    Hi. You said sometime ago that you have tested “Woocommerce Frontend Manager” with HMWP and didn’t see any issues uploading product image. However, this is a problem other users have been reporting, and it seems the problem is with HMWP and not “Woocommerce Frontend Manager”. So could you tell me or send me the settings that you have in HMWP? I deactivated all the settings you suggested and emptied all the fields you suggested to empty, but still can’t upload images in “Woocommerce Frontend Manager”. I believe this might be the same thing is causing problem with Buddypress profile photo upload.

    You may check my discussion with “Woocommerce Frontend Manager” developers from this link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/compatibility-issues-28/


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by sappsupport.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Suman M..
    Suman M.
    Post count: 12478

    Hi, I have moved your query related to Woocommerce Frontend Manager here so that it’s easy to track things in one ticket.

    Can you please let us know your site’s backend login details (as private reply) so that we can look into the issue further.
    Also let us know the steps to re-generate the issue related to
    (1) Buddypress photo upload and
    (2) Woocommerce Frontend Manager photo upload

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12478
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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12478

    Hi, this shall not be the issue related to HMWP. I see this error page while accessing your website – https://www.screencast.com/t/EKcEW0aB
    It seems like server related issue. Please contact your hosting provider.

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    Suman M.
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    Suman M.
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