I’m moving my server from Apache to NGINX. I’m currently using WordPress 4.4 on a NGINX (1.9.9) Debian 8.2 server with FastCGI cache enable. Everything worked smooth until I tried to include HMW’s conf (included as a separate file in the main server block).
Before I go further, I must say that’s the plugin works! But with a big annoyance : FastCGI cache does not working anymore. To check this I just put a simple PHP time stamp on the theme’s sidebar.php :
HMW plugin activated & HMW.conf enable :
it works!(source code modified), but every time I reload the page I have a new time stamp (and header cache MISS). That’s means, NGINX doesn’t serve HTML from FastCGI cache.
HMW plugin deactivated & HMW.conf enable :
it doesn’t works!(source code, back to normal). Every time I reload the page, the time stamp don’t change.
Note : my testing was made with others browsers (Safari and Firefox). I was connected to the WP admin with Google Chrome.
One more thing : it’s possible to apply the rewrite directives inside HMW.conf without having HMW plugin running ?
Thanks in advance.