Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP [NGINX1.9.9+FastCGI cache] = HMW issues

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  • #6827
    Post count: 17


    I’m moving my server from Apache to NGINX. I’m currently using WordPress 4.4 on a NGINX (1.9.9) Debian 8.2 server with FastCGI cache enable. Everything worked smooth until I tried to include HMW’s conf (included as a separate file in the main server block).

    Before I go further, I must say that’s the plugin works! But with a big annoyance : FastCGI cache does not working anymore. To check this I just put a simple PHP time stamp on the theme’s sidebar.php :

    HMW plugin activated & HMW.conf enable :
    it works!(source code modified), but every time I reload the page I have a new time stamp (and header cache MISS). That’s means, NGINX doesn’t serve HTML from FastCGI cache.

    HMW plugin deactivated & HMW.conf enable :
    it doesn’t works!(source code, back to normal). Every time I reload the page, the time stamp don’t change.

    Note : my testing was made with others browsers (Safari and Firefox). I was connected to the WP admin with Google Chrome.

    One more thing : it’s possible to apply the rewrite directives inside HMW.conf without having HMW plugin running ?

    Thanks in advance.


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, for rewrite rules within HMW.conf to work, HMWP plugin must be active. Regarding FastCGI cache not working along with HMWP, we’ll need to look into this further. I’ve assigned this ticket to Sr. support to have a look into HMWP compatibility with FastCGI cache.

    Post count: 17


    OK. I’m waiting for further informations from support.

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