File Structure

If you extract downloaded ZIP file you should have the following file structure.

  • CSS folder includes one stylesheet (admin.css). It is used for backend appearance.
  • Documentation contains the plugin’s documentation and its related files.
  • img folder contains the images and icons with different sizes.
  • js includes one javascript file (admin.js). It is mainly used for live validation in settings page and depends on jQuery library.
  • lang folder will store language files. MO files with appropriate name (e.g. should be located here.
  • lib contains following PHP files and folders:
    • auto_config folder contains code to hide some popular WP plugins.
    • mute-sceamer folder used for IDS.
    • plugin-update folder holds code relate to updating the plugin.
    • class.helper.php is a set of helper functions used in other PHP files.
    • class.settings-api helps us to create our settings page base on WordPress settings API.
    • class.HTML-minify.php for safe HTML compress.
    • class.CSS-minify for safe CSS compress.
  • hide_my_wp.php is the main plugin class. Almost everything will be done here.
  • admin-settings.php used for admin panel settings.

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