Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Can't access to Appareance>Theme or Can't Install New Plugins

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    Hello, I’m in problem. I’ve tried to install some new plugins and It gets blocked. I deactivated the plugin Hide my WP and it stills occurs on it.
    Furthermore, I’m having more problems with the puglin. Sometimes, when I get to “Appareance -> Themes” I don’t see anything and the page doesn’t load.

    I had deactivated the plugin totally, What can I do to install plugins again and not being so bugged by the plugin? Does it rename or adds any info in any file? I need to know it urgently, thanks!

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, HMWP doesn’t rename anything physically. It does add some rewrite rules in htaccess file (if Apache server) but that should not cause any issue with uploading new plugins. Even if it was cause by HMWP, after deactivated HMWP plugin uploading new plugins should have worked.

    Try setting htaccess to WP default (https://codex.wordpress.org/htaccess). First backup your existing htaccess file.

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