Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Conflict with the Duplicator plugin

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  • #28633
    Post count: 19


    Your plugin seems to cause an issue with the Duplicator plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/ (Pro version if that makes any difference). Backups don’t run when Hive My WP is activated but I can’t tell which setting is the problem.

    The developer of the Duplicator plugin is saying that it could be that the request that would be getting blocked would be one that looks like https://{your domain}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_pro_process_worker

    So my question is:
    If that makes sense to you, how can I prevent Duplicator from being blocked or conflict with HMWP?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, we have not checked HMWP plugin along with duplicator pro plugin. Can you please try these:
    – empty out “Ajax url” field in Permalinks tab
    – if it still does not work then empty out “API base” and “API query” fields in Permalinks tab
    – if it still does not work then try disabling IDS option in Protection tab

    Let us know!

    Post count: 19


    1. Ajax url was already empty
    2. API query wasn’t empty but that didn’t work
    3. I don’t use IDS

    I performed some further testing and now I am not sure that HMWP is causing the issue at all.
    I will post anything else I find here if relevant.

    Thanks so much for helping!

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Alright, do let us know if any further issue. Have a nice weekend!

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