Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Does not work with my nginx,

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    Brought couple month ago and start install recenlty, I tested in my localhost and its not work when try to restart nginx by follow the steps to add rewrite rule to nginx.conf, show the code below, It is multisite, nginx, dedicate server,

    I tried in nginx.conf, and sitename.conf, both are showing error when I try to restart nginx,

    I dont find this: try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args; (it should not have #). localhost or live server.

    Im not going to test it with my live site, because it is same configuration like my localhost, Please guide.

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, thanks for contacting us. HMWP in Multi-site + Nginx setup is not officially supported yet – https://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-amazing-security-plugin-for-wordpress/4177158/faqs/14735

    You may use the license in your another wordpress site or else you can apply for the refund via your Envato Panel.

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