Hi, are you using Litespeed server? In that case make sure that you change “AllowOverride None” to “AllowOverride All” in apache’s httpd.conf. https://www.litespeedtech.com/support/forum/threads/htaccess-is-ignored.15500/
Please confirm this with your hosting provider so that rewrite rules in htaccess file works fine.
And did you implement CDN (https://camp.b-cdn.net/) recently? Did your site break after adding CDN?
I’m not sure if the issue is related to “AllowOverride” or “CDN”. Is it possible to disable CDN for a while so that we can check what exactly the issue is? Thanks!
I wrote you from Skype. We can try 1:00AM – 8:00 AM in Istabul Timezone. When you are avaible in this timezone, we can try to disable CDN. I am waiting for a message when you are available.
Hosting provider sended this screen https://prnt.sc/sd1jj5 and they said that this problem was not related to them. I think we need to check the source codes.There may be another source of error.