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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, the sr. support has been quite busy recently. Please, kindly wait couple of days more. Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Suman M..
    Post count: 955


    I triad several settings but the server randomly generates 503 errors. This error is not directly related to HMWP but it occurs when HMWP is enabled which means one of your server configurations has a conflict with HMWP.

    To find out the exact reason please provide SSH access if you can’t, Apache’s error log should be enough.

    Another common reason for this kind of problem is lack of resource. I don’t think you have too many visitors but it may happen if you use a shared server. Google ‘Apache 503 errors’ to get a better understanding of the problem.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Hassan. Reason: Update
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Hassan.
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    Post count: 955

    Sorry thorgall2,

    I couldn’t find the exact reason of the problem. It randomly gives 503. This is the error message in the log: the file couldn’t be found in the server. Well, that’s correct because there is no file. It should be served by rewrite rule and it randomly served by it but not always.

    Anyway, please also consult with your hosting support they have more experience in this field.

    Let me know the result.

    Post count: 955

    I also got this message. This is not served by HMWP it indicates possible lack of resource.

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    Post count: 955

    You can simply use a pre-made settings scheme or manually use Permalink tab. Just enter something in following fields: new theme path, new plugin path, new wp-include path, new upload path and enable renaming plugin. This hide 90%-100% of plugins and themes in the source code.

    For remaining details use Replace tools tab. You can rename or remove any text or URL in the source code but use it carefully as you may remove an essential part of a plugin or break the theme.

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