Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP HidemyWP Adds a file called /_auto.js?Query_string

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  • #16782
    Post count: 50


    I noticed that recently HMWP has been adding a file called /_auto.js to my sites.

    In this file all inline JS are aggregated including admin ones (with/wp-admin/ path) which makes no sense and it increases the page load time drastically.

    I would appreciate if you help me to solve this issue ASAP.

    Thank you

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, have you enabled “Auto Configuration” option under Replace tools tab? If so, try deactivating that option.

    Post count: 50

    Thank you … this solved my issue.

    But I wonder why it includes all inline JS including Admin files …

    And regarding minifying the JS/CSS files I would recommend having an option for a plugin called Autoptimize which in my optinion is the safest and the best plugin which is made for wordpress optimization and if you include an option to support this plugin as an integration you would not be worry about minification and instead you can focus on other parts.

    Anyways .. your plugin is great and keep on the great work.

    Good luck

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, thanks for the suggestions. HMWP is already compatible with Autoptimize plugin.

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