Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP I am on Managed WP hosting and now only "wp-content/"folder works not "file/"

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  • #3596
    Post count: 2

    Hi – please help. Does managed wordpress (Godaddy) mean that file/ doesn’t work and now everything must be in wp-content/ ?
    Has anyone else experienced this issue?

    Even though my “file upload path” in hide my wp is activated (it successfully hides that my site is wordpress on whatwpthemeisthat.com ),
    All my file/ files are “error 404” don’t exist and only wp-content/ files load successfully.

    What should I do to get Hide My WP to change the links back to file/ (not wp-content/) or must I go back to regular (not WP managed) hosting?

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, it seems like you have changed File Upload Path in HMWP but the corresponding rewrite rules aren’t added in config file. If you are using WP single site and Apache server then the rules should be added automatically to htaccess file. If you are using WP multisite and/or Nginx server then you’ll need to add those rules manually in htaccess/config file.

    Please, follow the detailed documentation available within downloaded HMWP plugin folder.

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