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    I like the plugin because it does what I want and I could live with the (in)convenience of using a new login url BUT now that my site is going to be for registered members of the public to submit posts, I have to share the url with everyone and so the ……-hide_my_wp=1234 is no longer as important and I can switch back to wp-login.php (I guess) or what do you think?

    We had some issues with the register/login widget that came with the theme and for now my helper has deactivated HMWP and widget works fine now. BUT what is of concern to me now is how can I hide the PLUGINS I’m using from appearing on those noosey sites like whatwpthemeisthat.com

    If I reinstall the plugin what exactly do I need to do to hide ONLY the plugins for now because the Login URL need not be changed since it’s public knowledge – forgive me for saying that (my knowledge of WP is limited) if you got advice on this too, I’m happy to hear. Although, I’d rather not buy any more plugins at this stage.

    Wonderful plugin!

    Why do I keep buying wonderful plugins on CC and end up not using them 🙁

    HMWP hopefully will be a different case.



    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by drjohndimi.
    Post count: 955

    Thanks for good words!

    Well, I suggest to leave HMWP login enabled and use ‘Theme My Login’ plugin. It’s free and you can get it here:

    Theme My Login

    If your theme widget uses standard WP API it should work with/without that plugin but if not you can use plenty login/register widget available at:

    The good news is that Theme My Login also includes a sidebar widget 🙂

    If you like rate my support at:

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