Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP I want to hide my Theme and Plugins

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  • #30826
    Post count: 29

    I want to hide my Theme and Plugins. Something like this: https://share.msbofficial.com/GGukOGod
    All WP Related detection I want to hide.

    Can you please tell me, which settings of the plugin do I need to change to achieve this?

    (I attached my test site info to access the site. Once I get the result then I will duplicate it to my main website)

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I logged into your website and could see that you are using Nginx webserver. In such case you’ll need to manually add HMWP rules in nginx config file and restart Nginx. Please check this documentation – https://support.wpwave.com/documentation/hide-my-wp/installation-and-upgrade/nginx-configuration-nginx-server

    Post count: 29

    I understand that I have to manually the HMWP rules!

    Just tell me https://share.msbofficial.com/GGukOGod to get this result for my site, which settings do I need to enable/modify?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by msbacademy.
    Post count: 29

    I don’t have full access of nginx config file. To configure this file I need to contact with my hosting company and everytime they will need a new to modify that!!! that’s why I am unable to test different settings too much.

    I want that nobody detects my website theme and plugins Like this https://share.msbofficial.com/GGukOGod

    So please guide me on which setting do I need to change or turn off/on. waiting for your reply.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Yes, it’ll be difficult to configure HMWP if you donโ€™t have full access of nginx config file.
    I have applied the settings in HMWP plugin now. Please click on Nginx Configuration button and add those rules in Nginx config and restart Nginx.
    Let us know!

    Post count: 29

    Hy, just add the code, everything is perfect ๐Ÿ™‚
    but this chrome plugin detects that it’s WordPress https://share.msbofficial.com/8Lu7BP8G

    please let me know, which setting do I need to change.

    Post count: 29

    Another question – After adding the code in the Nginx config file, if everything is working fine then if I uninstall the Hide My WP plugin then would I face any problem? please let me know

    Post count: 29

    I am using the WP-Rocket plugin in my main site, with this plugin setting is there any chance to conflict with the wp-rocket plugin?

    I am asking this because I said to you, I don’t have direct access to Nginx config file. that’s why I want to make sure these because the wrong configuration may break my site for hours!! because the hosting company takes time to edit ๐Ÿ™‚

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    After adding the code in the Nginx config file, if everything is working fine then if I uninstall the Hide My WP plugin then would I face any problem?
    >> No, it won’t create any issue if you uninstall HMWP plugin.

    HMWP is compatible with WP Rocket. You’ll need to clear the cache after configuring HMWP.

    Post count: 29

    Oww thanks!

    this chrome plugin detects that itโ€™s WordPress https://share.msbofficial.com/8Lu7BP8G
    please let me know, which setting do I need to change.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I’ve updated some settings in HMWP. Please update HMWP rules in Nginx config file and restart Nginx.

    Also, I see ‘powered by wordpress’ text in site’s page source – https://www.screencast.com/t/84JqX132y
    Please remove it.

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