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  • #3446
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    I have pages where the user land on after typing in a search query. When the Hide My WP plugin is activated (Medium Privacy – More Capability setting) the images disappear only for the search results page.

    Not sure how to fix it as I’m not very technical. Please let me know if you can help. Links provided in reply post.


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    Post count: 5

    I’ve disabled the plugin for now, so please disregard my missing images post above.

    It seems this plugin is slowing my page load time by 1 full second. Seems like a lot; is this normal?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, we are not able to check as you have already disabled the plugin. Please provide us with your website backend details (as private reply) so that we can have a look at the issue.

    And regarding site speed you can check this FAQ – http://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-no-one-can-know-you-use-wordpress/4177158/faqs/16071

    Post count: 955

    Your theme uses TimThumb. The solution is in FAQ page:

    Does it works with TimThumb image resizer?

    Sure, but please note you need to use “relative” URLs for it. You can use Replace in HTML feature to convert current image URLs to relative URLs. If timthumb.php location is similar to following pattern:

    wp-content/(themes OR plugins)/PLUGIN_OR_THEME_NAME/timthumb.php

    Using following rule for Replace in HTML should solve the problem (DELETE ALL SPACES).
    timthumb.php?src [equal] http://YOUR_SITE.com/NEW_UPLOAD_PATH = timthumb.php? src [equal] .. / ../ uploads

    If timthumb file is located in a deeper path you need more ’.. /’ as an example for wp-content/themes/mytheme/includes/timbthumb.php you should have 3 ’.. /’ in your rule.

    – NEW_UPLOAD_PATH is your current upload path e.g. “file” – Base on locations and files name it may have little differences in your site. So check out your source code carefully.
    – Make sure you disabled avoid direct access to PHP files or added TimThumb file or theme folder to white list.

    Post count: 5

    Thanks guys for the support. I’ll save this plugin for another site with a theme that doesn’t use timthumb. I don’t want to make big modifications to this site for now.

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