Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Is there any issue if my website is upgraded to HTTPS?

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  • #21642
    Post count: 85

    Hi sir,

    I can see that my .htaccess file has been written by HMWP after I installed and activated HMWP; so that is no issue with writable permission issue in step (1); for step (2) I did insert this line of codes:

    define(“ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH”, “/panel”);

    and disable this:

    // require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);

    Then go ahead with step (3); but I was logged out on two different websites on VPS server at OVH and bluehost server.

    I remember you have installed another htaccess on my test server, but I could not keep it due to downturn of my whole server.

    What codes should I add manually to htaccess?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Why did you disable the following line? Do not disable/comment it. Simply add HMWp code above it.

    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);

    As HMWP rules are being auto added to htaccess file you need not add any rules there manually.

    Post count: 85

    Hi sir,

    It is not working. I followed your guide above, by inserting this line:

    define(“ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH”, “/admin_panel”);

    above that one: require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);

    I did not disable it. Now I am completely logged out even I have tried to remove the above line, and use this link:


    to deactivate HMWP plugins.

    Can you please help with that.


    Post count: 85

    Update: I managed to login by re-inserting this line into wp-config.php:

    define(“ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH”, “/admin_panel”);

    After going back to admin, I have to remove it again so that my website is not set to any admin panel?

    Can you please help guide me change the followings:

    /wp-admin/ to /admin-panel/

    /wp-login/ to /my-login-panel/


    Post count: 85

    Update: I have done it!

    Only two more things I need to hide:

    1. Windows Status bar when I hover over the username on top of the page after they are logged in. Please see image hmwp.jpg attached

    2. the name of child theme called businessfinder2-child. Please see image hmwp2.jpg attached.

    How can i hide them completely from users and logged in users?


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    Post count: 85

    Update: HM not working. In addition to my above queries, I still have issues with /wp-admin URLs as described below:

    -After successfully changing /wp-admin to /admin-panel, all internal links related to /wp-admin has been replaced by /admin-panel (I have checked them on Menu items and also the Username link on top of the page). However, when I hover on those links, they still display /wp-admin/ instead of /admin-panel

    -I then click on each of those links, they are still redirected to /wp-admin and display 404 error page.

    -I then tried to change those links (for example, on Menu item) back to /wp-admin/, but the system (or HMWP plugins) does not allow.

    Can you please help with that?


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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    a) That’s deep down within the path and hence HMWP won’t auto rename it. Please try adding the replacements as below in “Replace URLs” option under Replace Tools tab:

    wp-content/uploads/cache/businessfinder2-child/base-1.0.css ==> somename1.css

    wp-content/uploads/cache/businessfinder2-child/style-1.0.css ==> somename2.css

    b) Please try setting Login Path to simply “my-login” without backslash “/”

    Post count: 85


    a. Not working. This is what I set under Replay URLs:

    Old URL: https://orientalstreet.co.uk/file/cache/businessfinder2-child/base-1.0.css (Or: https://orientalstreet.co.uk/file/cache/businessfinder2-child/base-1.0.css/)
    New URL: https://orientalstreet.co.uk/file/cache/businessfinder2-child/my-base-1.0.css
    Or: https://orientalstreet.co.uk/file/cache/main-template/my-base-1.0.css


    I also tried to use Hide with 404 feature, but it seems not working. How can I make it working?

    b. Working as expected


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    You should not add the full URLs. Please check this screenshot – https://www.screencast.com/t/J4oWFpjLlq

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480
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    Post count: 85

    I have done it! GREAT plugins + GREAT support.

    I have just given 5 stars rating for your plugins.

    One more question: How can I make sure my theme’s name (parent and child) are completely hidden in both source codes and front page?


    Post count: 85

    and how can i make sure also WordPress version/name etc. are hidden completely?

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