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  • #2481
    Post count: 3

    I left some questions on the support page at envato, so I hope I can get a quicker response here.
    – I have a management server separated for my admin page with the url: http://12.345.678.90/mywebsite. (the standard /var/www/html/wordpress setup on ubuntu)

    – Everything works on my management site, but my production site which has a url of: http://mywebsite.com/ does not work.

    – HMWP forces the base of my site in .htaccess to use a path of /mywebsite/…

    So the problem is that when I deploy my site to my production site, it breaks because there is no such path as http://mywebsite.com/mywebsite/…

    – How do i STOP HMWP from forcing the /BASE/ in my .htaccess? It stops me from having a scalable website or a functioning production site.

    – I have tried to remove the /base/ manually and tick the box to have HMWP stop writing to my .htaccess, but when I do that, my production site works, but my management site doesn’t. When I save the permalink in wordpress settings, my management site works again, BUT the /BASE/ is forced back on.
    – Is there an option or code I can use to have HMWP use (/) as the base for the entire site? In that scenerio, both sites/servers should be able to work.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I’m not exactly getting the concept of management site and production site here. Can you please let us know the URL for management site and production site? And is it one single wordpress installation for both management site and production site?

    Post count: 3

    Yes it is one installation. Created a wordpress install on one server, then use GIT repo to push changes to production server. That way the back end has its on server and can test changes before pushing it to the production server. It is amazon elastic beanstalk. It keeps the website scalable because at any moment the production server can be terminated and another one will replace it. They use a different URL structure, that was what I was trying to portray with my specific question. The production server doesn’t have a /BASE/, the management server has a /BASE/.
    The management server is guarded off in a private network.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Since the management server has a /BASE/, the htaccess rewrite rules generated by HMWP plugin there will have /BASE/ in it. And the same htaccess will be pushed to production server as well. So the solution would be
    – to NOT push htaccess file to production server
    – edit htaccess in production server every time you push the content from management server
    – hit Save settings button in HMWP backend after you push the content from management server

    Post count: 3

    Thank you. I will do that. I thought there would be a way to edit the hmwp.php file to have it not do that. I guess I will have to use your suggestion and put the .htaccess file in the ignore list of files to push.

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