Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Just not saving any settings

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  • #2783
    Post count: 6

    I have worked on this issue off and on for months now and am finally asking for help. I purchased, installed and setup, but nothing saves. I enter the purchase code and recommended settings, enter ok to the prompt but all the fields are blank and everything is still seen (I have a wpscan setup I can use to test instead of wpthemedetector.com)

    I have set the .htaccess file to .777, emptied it out just to verify things were being saved to it, and they are (even though I don’t see a specific Hide My WP section).

    I cannot figure out what I am not doing correctly. I want this hidden so bad, I want your software to work.

    Please do help.

    Post count: 6

    Just to add, I have cleared out cache in my browser, but per a topic I saw here, I do not know how to clear cache from the plugin.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, we hope you have already followed these steps:

    – goto HMWP >> ‘Start’ Tab >> ‘Medium Privacy – More Compatibility’
    scheme >> click ‘Save Settings’

    Note: Assuming that it’s WP single site and Apache server. Your site’s htaccess file should be writeable.

    with this settings on, if you are still having issue then please let us know your website backend details (as private message) so that we can have a look at the issue.

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