Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Just Started Getting a 404 Error from " www.whatwpthemeisthat.com "

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  • #16402
    Post count: 83

    If we go to…



    I will get a response that says,

    “Page not found. Check that you entered the URL correctly”.


    http://www.mywebsitename.com is unavailable at the moment. Err: 404


    Over the past 4 years we have so far purchased 18 licenses and this has never happened before.

    And this is ONLY occurring on websites where we are using the HMWP plugin.

    Some websites are using versions 5.5.1 while some others might be using 5.5.2

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, if those sites gives you the response “Page not found. Check that you entered the URL correctly”, then it’s issue in their end. But my point is isn’t is good enough that they can’t read your site?

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