Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Login Query and Admin Login Key are not working

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  • #20100
    Post count: 20

    Check screenshot: https://prnt.sc/id3cdu

    I still can access my login page.

    Why is this happening? And how to fix it?

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, are you using any other plugin or theme that modifies or has something to do with login query?
    Also, generate debug report from HMWP start tab and post it here as private reply.

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I updated HMWP to version 5.5.5 and you can no more access /wp-login.php directly. Please check and let us know.

    Post count: 20

    How did you fix it suman? what was the problem?

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Updating it to latest version 5.5.5 solved the issue!

    Post count: 20

    I see. I thought you made some adjustments to your plugin.

    Alright then, next question is how to disable the download because I tried of not enabling the download button but when I click the dropdown menu or the fullscreen button, both from these options allows the user to download.

    I dont want any users to download my files. How to do that?

    Post count: 20

    I want to remove these buttons.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    With HMWP you can only rename/mask the default WP paths so that wordpress is hidden, but you can not prevent users from downloading. You’ll need to custom code it or find other plugin that does the job.

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