Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Need to Delete IDs and Classes Containing wp in Theme/Plugin CSS

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    I like HideMyWP, but apparently it doesn’t hide just about everything. For example, when you replace a class/ID name it only replaces it in the HTML, but not in the CSS. As most theme and plugin builders use obvious classes and IDs containing the term wp (ex: wp-navibar) this is revealing the site using wordpress.

    Not using certain themes and plugins that contain such CSS classes is out of the question, because that would limit the choices quite significantly.

    So I need to be able to replace those kind of CSS classes and IDs without to much of a hassle. The only way I can think of is creating child themes and replacing them in the child themes. Not sure about the plugins though.

    I would need some help with this. I really need to be able to hide EVERYTHING that gives the site up that’s using wordpress.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, can you please generate debug report from HMWP start tab and post it here as private reply? It’s actually not recommended to replace CSS class names as it might break the site. But if you need to replace them there’s a way around, which needs a bit of coding skill.

    If you want to replace css class name “wp-navbar” to something like “xyz-navbar”, then you’ll need to add following replacement in “replace in html”:

    wp-navbar ==> xyz-navbar

    Then copy the css code from for wp-navbar from respective css file, replace occurrences of “wp-navbar” with “xyz-navbar”, and add it in “Internal CSS” option in HMWP Source Code tab.

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