Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Permalink structure is off error when activating plugin

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  • #23809
    Post count: 10

    This issue just started to happen without any changes to our website. When activating the plugin we are getting the error, shown below:

    Your permalink structure is off. In order to get all features of this plugin please enable it.

    After we enable the plugin, it does not allow us to navigate to our websites pages, (It says “Page Can Not Be Displayed”) “Nothing Found.

    This happens even if we use the option for “most compatibility”

    Please help us fix this issue.

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, you are using older version (5.01) of HMWP. Please download latest version 5.5.7, delete the older version and upload the latest version 5.5.7. Then apply “medium privacy more compatibility” settings scheme from HMWP start tab. Let us know.

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