Hi guys,
License problem has been solved but it seems you don’t install WP properly.
If this was the case, this is dangerous situation I mean almost anybody can make problem for you!
Please check you wp-config.php, you should have something like this:
define('AUTH_KEY', '0<K#oL/Wbp|$?rv0$~EV}<M-EE{x;I}.nfmznf-X_GS');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '[0zbRf~3aU+ ~.RvG/N/uy,1
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘,+wA|ZBi^Pcaa<} sa2D39m
A<3 *yrz@');
define('NONCE_KEY', 'TaImoV;%@S[I--U6*f*B&7,OJ3L_-zVtDu+:*d/yDzQgn');
define('AUTH_SALT', 'QOycY(4=-7zl]nd2!M~-~D%Xy~-o+.~/)f-|Uo');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'Dw=dzb+doi6^(|-?{4*]o],$M>@i9<2[&^$4[~F#^r.{g&');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'hy6J+aTr9Nvl+1;^;-Y,P{2H<8-|kY8_v#]6TNtH3J~:');
define('NONCE_SALT', 'j0&Qr-%.B)4U$FL2FKu7J5q|#=~$Hv');
If you don't, visit this address and add its content to wp-config.php
If this is not the case please paste wp-config content as a private reply.