Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Redirect when typing /wp-admin

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  • #3308
    Post count: 11


    I configured Hide My WP – now everything looks really good. I’ve changed wp-login access to a new one and I also tried to hide /wp-admin access. I’ve put another new /wp-admin path, but when I type domain.com/wp-admin it’s redirecting me to a new wp-login. How can I change or hide wp-admin access?

    Best regards,

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, did you try to change “wp-admin” path name using “New wp-admin Path” option in HMWP settings? This option is still in beta state and not officially supported. However, we’ll have a look at it. Please let us know your website details, backend and FTP, as private reply so that we can have a look at the issue.

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