Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Replace URLs Help

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  • #27292
    Post count: 66

    Hi Suman,

    I need some help with the Replace URLs feature of HMWP. I have tried creating a replace rule (actually a 404 rule) to remove access to a page on my site.

    I tried adding the FQDN URL (for example https://www.website.com/my-page) in this field and selecting the 404 option and the page was still accessible.

    I tried removing the website portion of the URL and only leaving the /my-page portion and no luck.

    Could you please help confirm what the correct syntax format should be here for a replace/404 rule?

    Many thanks.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, Replace URL option is to rename URL to something else. If you directly access the old URL it will still be accessible as HMWP doesn’t physically rename any file/folder, it makes use or rewrite rules to mask the url.

    You can see the example here – https://support.wpwave.com/documentation/hide-my-wp/features-overview/replace-tools-settings

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