First of all i want to say how much i (we) love this plugin!
As we have just started using HMWP within our company for some of our sites, it has come to our knowledge that there are some requirements for using this plugin.
After some conversation with Hassan here at HMWP support forum we came to the conclusion that it is required to have ‘mod_rewrite’ module installed on the webserver used for the homepage.
As the documentation lacks of this information we want to share it with everyone having the same issue!
To enable this feature just go to your webserver (using putty or something similar).
Logon and do ‘sudo a2enmod rewrite’ and then ‘sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload’ without the quotes
The rest that is needed to make the necessary is in the documentation.
Best Regards,
This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by