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  • #30620
    Post count: 12

    Hi there,

    first attempt to activate plugin ended in complete failure. Site destroyed.. only 404 errors.. nothing working anymore. Was able to deactivate plugin to regain site luckily.

    No idea how to get this working

    Any help appreciated

    i have disabled the plugin for now

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480
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    Suman M.
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    Suman M.
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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Yes, we have site’s backend login details, but we also need FTP login details (or CPanel details) because it seems like (from your comments above), as soon as you activate HMWP plugin, you can no more access site’s backend.

    Do let us know. Thanks!

    Post count: 12

    sorry but i host this site at google cloud host
    they did not give me a FTP
    so i use a file manager plugin
    you will find it in the dashboard

    can you use it to solve this problem

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I activated HMWP plugin in your site but then I got the error and cannot access the site anymore. It seems like the issue because of previous settings of HMWP. Can you please delete HMWP plugin manually and let me know? Thanks!

    Post count: 12

    i think it has been deleted all ready
    i just login and did not found it on the plugins or in the file manager

    Post count: 12

    this is the replay from hosting company
    The current implementation is a multi-pod/multi-server deployment which is different from a single server delpoyment as it tests every 10 seconds if the application code is up and running and healthy.
    This health check is performed by testing one endpoint if it returns a sucess status code “200 OK”

    The health check tests the path /wp-login.php if it responds correctly to determine if service is healthy or it should replace it with a new service to ensure service is always up and running.

    The Plugins you are installing do change this path dynamically so health checks always assume service is not healthy and gives a wrong code and tries to initiate new ones constantly.

    Most of similar plugins to provide a static path for login or a token to be used a an endpoint such as login?123456 for example which we can use to recnofigure the health check once the plugin is active to ensure health checks do not get false responses.

    Please consult with your plugin provider if a similar setup or endpoint exists so we can take that into consideration.

    Post count: 12

    also i can not see your last replay it said “This reply has been marked as private.”

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480
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    Post count: 12

    this is a replay from hosting company
    The System is deployed over a Kubernetes Cluster which uses Health Checks by design to run services automatically. Will verify if we can use a different dummy health check to enable services to run temporarly to enable pulling the endpoint. However implementing this will not guarntee any problem that might happen if the service is affected as we will not be able to recieve monitor uptime for the service.

    We recommend this approach is done through low traffic time and doesnt exceed an hour.

    i have add your account on my skype
    i think we should agree on an hour to do the configure

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