Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Too much 404, Brakes My Mobile Theme CSS

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  • #16119
    Post count: 7

    The custom rewrite rules keep modifying the path to https://sitename.net/skin/* Coming from the _hide_my_wp plugin as these URLs’ are throwing 404 errors-too much 404.

    Plus, I recently addd SSL certificate to the site.

    The main site works fine.

    However the mobile theme that gets viewed when users are redirected to mobile version is being displayed with broken CSS.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, are you using separate theme for desktop and mobile devices? Please let us know your website’s wp-admin login details (as private reply), so that we can look into the issue.

    Post count: 7
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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    There’s conflict as you are using separate theme for desktop and mobile devices. I’ve now applied “medium privacy more compatibility” settings from HMWP start tab and then emptied out “New theme path” field in Permalinks & URLs tab. Now it’s working in mobile devices too. Can you please check?

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    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I checked your website and it looks fine. I didn’t come across 404 error. Is the 404 issue with some specific URLs? Can you please let us know such page/URLs? And is this issue in both desktop and mobile devices?

    Post count: 7

    The random 404 issue has been persisting for a very long time. While working on from the backend- WP Dashboard- on the home page when accessing pages, 404 page appears every now and then.
    Looking into the IDS log I see reports from Name: SERVER

    I am kind of confused with this annoying 404 error.

    Could you please look into the matter?

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I again looked into your website (frontend and backend) for sometime but didn’t come across 404 issue at all.
    When exactly do you get 404 issue,
    – only when HMWP plugin is active or even when it is deactivated?
    – both logged in and logged out state?

    Also, please try disabling IDS option in HMWP IDS Firewall tab.

    Post count: 7

    Mostly while working on the back end. Active/not active in both cases. Mostly when logged in as an admin doing stuff- like editing , posting…

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    That’s strange and if the issue occurs even when HMWP Plugin is deactivated, then it’s related to something else. You may check your server logs or contact the hosting provider.

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