Home Forums Scripts S3 File Uploader Uploading to the EU (Frankfurt) bucket doesn't work with this plugin

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  • #23593
    Post count: 7

    To better illustrate my problem I’ve made a video walking you through my process. https://youtu.be/oQI4peRcuYs

    But as a quick guide what I did:

    * Create a US Virginia bucket like in your guide
    * Create a user for that bucket
    * Upload file works fine ✅

    * Create EU (Frankfurt bucket)
    * Update my user to work with that bucket.
    * This doesn’t work ❌

    Post count: 7

    Hi, I would love a response, even if it’s just “I’m looking in to it”

    Vikas Singhal
    Post count: 219

    Can you zip the contents of the program configured to work with EU and I will retry it locally and respond immediately.

    Post count: 7

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wn26eqwyss6rh49/uploader.zip?dl=0 here is the zip.

    But it is just your plugin with my keys and because I made this video and you can see a lot of keys are just in plain text I have removed all my exposed buckets and IAM users, so I don’t really get what you can do with this .zip

    Isn’t it easier if you make your own EU bucket and test that on your end, should have the same results. All I had figured out is that is has to do with the signature version of AWS. As you can check here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html and search for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) heading, you can see in the table Signature Version(s) Support some are Versions 2 and 4 and others are Version 4 only so I think this is the problem. I have a dozen of buckets in Frankfurt and this is Version 4 only.

    It is already half a year for me that I am in need of a plugin like this. I first started with the fineuploader.com plugin but could not get it to work, so I was happily surprised to see that you did and because I have no idea how this stuff works, I was happy to buy your plugin.

    Hope to hear soon from you.

    Vikas Singhal
    Post count: 219

    Thanks, today is a public holiday I will respond as soon as possible.

    Post count: 7

    Again? You guys seem to have a lot of holidays over there… Did you have a chance to take a look already?

    Vikas Singhal
    Post count: 219
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    Post count: 7

    Yeah it works! Damn wasted my whole afternoon trying to figure it out myself, I was about the give up when I saw your latest response! Finally got it working! Thanks!

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