Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Website Broken When HMYWP Is Activated

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  • #25304
    Post count: 51


    After moving our blog to a different URL, the website is broken when Hide My WP is activated. I have tried deactivation, uninstalling and cleaning up .htaccess, and reinstalling and activating, but the issue still remains. Any suggestions? I have realized that we had this issue when we change domain name, URL or move/migrate the website. Does Hide My WordPress create a file on the hosting somewhere that we have to update? It seems to me that is related to a path somewhere.


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, HMWP shall work even after you move to new hosting. Most probably the issue is related to .htaccess file. Make sure that it is writable and HMWP rules are added to it after you save settings in HMWP.

    If it’s still the issue then please let us know your site’s wp-admin login details as private reply so that we can look further into it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Suman M..
    Post count: 51

    Thanks for the reply. The .htaccess permission is 644 right now. Should be something different? Also, I have double check the .htaccess content for unusual code and couldn’t find any. Any other suggestions?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    644 permission shall be fine. Is HMWP rules being added to .htaccess file automatically when you save settings in HMWP?

    Please let us know your site’s wp-admin login details as private reply so that we can look further into the issue.

    Post count: 51

    Hi. Thanks for the support! The issue seems to has been resolved. I’m not sure how, but I deactivated the plugin, cleaned up .htaccess, re-activated the plugin, rebooted the server, re-started Apache and MySQL.

    But another question I would ask is this: I know Hide My WordPress was having some issues with W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare “Minify/Minification” when the “Minify” is activated in Hide My WordPres, is this problem still happening? Or You have solved it? The reason I’m asking is because when W3 total Cache is activated, everything looks good, but the site’s logo is broken. When I contacted W3 total Cache team they suggested that the “Minify/Minification” in W3 Total Cache could be causing the problem and I turned off the “Minify” feature in W 3 Total cache. But the logo is still broken. Do you think I should also turn off “Minify” in Hide My WordPress even when I turned “Minify” off in W3 total Cache and Cloudflare? Could it also be causing the broken logo problem?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, good to know that the issue has been resolved now. It’s most probably the htaccess issue.

    HMWP is compatible with W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare.
    Please generate debug report from HMWP start tab and post it here as private reply.

    Post count: 51

    Hi. Thanks!

    I think another thing also could be the fact that W3 Total Cache is adding another “rewrite rule” to .htaccess. I’m not sure why but I think this might be cause issues with Hide My WordPress. Please check screenshot here: http://prntscr.com/mj170b


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    The htaccess content looks fine. Is the broken site logo the only issue or there’s another issue as well?
    Please generate debug report from HMWP start tab and post it here as private reply, so that we can check the broken logo.

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