Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Woocommere key words are not being hidden

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  • #28039
    Post count: 1

    Hello Support, I’m trying to hide the Woocommerce and its related keywords like WC. These keywords are appearing on many occasions on the page and specially as CSS classes. When I replace the Woocommerce keywords then over all page layout getting messed up because Woocommerce classes are gone at that point of time.

    So my question is how we can remove the Woocommerce and its related keywords without affecting the page layout.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, it’s actually not recommended to replace CSS class names and script variables as they might be associated with various styling and functionalities. But if you must rename them then there is a way which need a bit of coding skill.

    For example: If you want to replace css class name “wp-navbar” to something like “xyz-navbar”, then you’ll need to add following replacement in “replace in html”:

    wp-navbar ==> xyz-navbar

    Then copy the css code from for wp-navbar from respective css file, replace occurrences of “wp-navbar” with “xyz-navbar”, and add it in “Internal CSS” option in HMWP Source Code tab.

    Post count: 1


    I simply want to hide all the instances of Woocommerce anyway. Let it be Woocommerce folder name or CSS or JS files. It’s not a good idea to start copying the CSS classes name and put it on the other stylesheet file. It would be like we are creating our own Woocommerce why? Please suggest the minimalist way to do this.

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, HMWP is compatible with woocommerce plugin. It’s only that the replacement of css class names is not recommended as it might break the site.
    You can add the replacements (one css class name at a time) in ‘Replace in HTML’ option. If this replacement breaks your site in any ways then the above mentioned steps is the only solution, because we cannot be overwriting the woocommerce core files.

    Please check this FAQ – https://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-amazing-security-plugin-for-wordpress/4177158/faqs/20827

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