Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP WP Avada Multisite some problems

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  • #23344
    Post count: 5

    Well, i just bad read the instructions , I’ve read just below, instead just BEFORE… trying to change…

    Post count: 5

    Well, it seems that i cannot use Hide My Wp, due to an apache+nginx (with varnish) config of my (rented) cloud server. In fact i cannot change nginx config, and the wp-login.php still works after modify the .htaccess. other problem is that, when i’m trying to logout, i receive an error 502 (nginx). Any help/configuration/method to fix this is appreciated.

    Post count: 5

    well, investigating more, logout error is not due to Hide My Wp… i try to re-test it early, if i have some problem again i’ll write another topic

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, okay! Do let us know if any further issue.

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