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  • #102
    Post count: 2


    I am very glad that I have purchased this plugin, however I have been yet to use it.

    After reading EVERYTHING many times and working with 2 experts, I have no choice but to ask you specifically for the answers.

    Exactly, What are the 7 redirects that need to be set up for this to work at Wpengine.

    I have not installed wordpress or any plugins in any subdirectory other than normal.

    thank you

    Post count: 955


    WPE uses Nginx web server and it has no htaccess file. Instead, Nginx users should have write access to Nginx config file. WPEngine does not allow this but you can add Nginx rules via redirect section in your WPEngine panel.

    First click on Nginx configuration in Start tab. If you don’t see it go to following address:
    (In multi-site add &nginx_config=1 to the end HMWP settings URL)

    Next, go to ‘Redirection’ menu in your WPE panel and add each line of Nginx configuration rules as a redirection rule. Source and destination separated with a space. First is source and second is destination. Use โ€˜breakโ€™ type as โ€˜lastโ€™.

    Read more below (see last example):

    Post count: 2

    Hello Hassan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Is this correct ๐Ÿ™‚

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/template/lib/(.*)
    Match args:
    Destination: /wp-includes/$1
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/storage/(.*)
    Match args:
    Destination: /wp-content/uploads/$1
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/ext/aa405a34/(.*)
    Match args:
    Destination: /wp-content/plugins/akismet/$1
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/ajax
    Match args:
    Destination: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/(readme\.html|wp-includes/$)
    Match args:
    Destination: /nothing_404_404
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/(index\.php|wp-content/repair\.php|index
    Match args:
    Destination: /$1$2
    Redirect type: 301

    Name: Redirect catch all
    Domain: mydomain.com
    Source: ^/(.*).php$
    Match args:
    Destination: /nothing_404_404
    Redirect type: 301

    best regards,


    Post count: 955

    Yes, it seems correct just change Redirect type to break.

    Post count: 2

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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