Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP You are blocked. Please contact site administrator if you think there is a probl

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  • #29900
    Post count: 6

    please am working on localhost development and I have installed the plugin but it blocked me after activation and configuration.
    when I checked in blocked IP table in my database, was blocked and I emptied the table and tried but I keep blocking me.
    Please what do I do as I have to finish the project by the close of the day

    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, please rename hide_my_wp plugin folder name in /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP or Hosting control panel. Then you shall be able to access your site and login normally. Once logged in, rename back hide_my_wp plugin folder name. Then you can activate HMWP, go to Protection tab and remove IP/country from the Block list.

    Let us know if any further issue.

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