I’m using the plugin in a multi-site and I’ve found three issues:
1. When you save settigns it takes you to a non-exiting page.
2. The antispam will register everything as spam, even if you are logged in.
3. Because of the second error, the spam counter updates with wrong format text and produces and error when you use ajax. It messed up my return value from ajax 🙂 So I changed it to something like this for the moment, just to hide the notice:
(array) $counter = get_option('hmwp_spam_counter');
if( isset( $counter[1] ) && isset( $counter[2] ) ) {
$spam_counter = $counter[1] + $counter[2];
$spam_counter = ($spam_counter>1) ? ' [Spam Counter: <strong>'.$spam_counter.'</strong>]' : '';
} else {
$spam_counter = '';
I hope this feedback helps.