I just want to tell me the correct code to I put in:
<img src="........................ " />
Only this. The rest I do.
**My Code HTML + PHP:**
<img src="http://www.willsilva.com.br/degusti/template/scripts/file=timthumb.php?src=<?php the_field('img-capa');?>&w=648&h=400&q=400&zc=1" />
** The Out put code **
But the image does not appear.
A TimThumb error has occured
The following error(s) occured:
Could not find the internal image you specified.
Query String : src=http://willsilva.com.br/degusti/file/2013/11/foto6.jpg&w=648&h=300&q=100&zc=1
TimThumb version : 2.8.13