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  • #3667
    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I’m little confused going through your post. But mailchimp topbar is now working right? And what else is not working now?

    Post count: 99


    Yeah, everything is back to normal. I am surprised that if I put the html comments back the color for the top bar reappears. Its the strangest things. Not sure why we can’t remove those html lines. Do you have any ideas how I could do this?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by rgosse75.
    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Can you please let us know removing which comment line and which line number of page source causes the issue?

    Post count: 99

    It was line 1009 & 1215 and they are related to a content protection plugin but it won’t let me remove the html lines for some reason??? But there must be a way. The lines are listed below.

    <!– WP Content Copy Protection (Copyright Protection) script by Rynaldo Stoltz Starts | http://yooplugins.com/ –>

    <!– End WP Content Copy Protection (Copyright Protection) script by Rynaldo Stoltz Ends | http://yooplugins.com/ –>

    Post count: 99


    I figured this out another way. Since you said this was an html line that should be able to be removed I went to the plugin and removed the lines in the plugin and it worked. The lines do not show up on the source code now. I will go through the source code one more time and send you a revised copy of screenshots when finished. I will notify you. Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by rgosse75.
    Post count: 1


    Would you please let me know if the Hide My WP works with WordFence?

    Thank you.


    Post count: 99


    I am not sure because I do not use any other security plugin at the moment. But I have no doubt that this plugin will work fine with another security plugin that has other additional features you need for protection. Just make sure you don’t have anything overlapping because HideMyWP has a firewall and so do most security plugins so you don’t want overlapping features active at the same time that could cause conflict. HideMyWP is a great plugin and I highly recommend it as it follows best practices and I have had no issues. Support is excellent as well.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by rgosse75.
    Post count: 99


    I have emailed you the new print screens of the source code to the email you gave me previously. Please review and advise me on what I can and cannot do and anything you might identify that could be changed. Thanks.

    Also, I had another question regarding the plugin. Does HideMyWP automatically continue to change the names of new plugins, etc. that you install in the future?



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by rgosse75.
    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    I checked the screenshots. You cannot replace javascript variables and css class names even if it has text “wp” in it. The names in the end of URLs cannot be renamed as they are being used internally by plugins.

    HMWP will automatically rename the plugins when new plugins are installed (if it’s WP single site and Apache server)

    Post count: 99


    Ok, sounds great my friend. I appreciate all your time and help. I guess even if I cannot alter every name in the source the plugin covered just about everything. As I said before, great product and I will recommend it to everyone. If anything comes up in the future I’ll be in touch again, thanks.



    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Thanks! 🙂

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