Home Forums WordPress Plugins Hide My WP Is there any issue if my website is upgraded to HTTPS?

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  • #21601
    Post count: 85

    Hi sir,

    I have just moved my site from OVH VPS server with ISPConfig to Bluehost with Cpanel.

    I am going to implement your plugins on my life site shortly, but I wonder there will be any issue when my website is upgraded to HTTPs in the future?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, there should not be any issue in that scenario. Let us know if in case any issue.

    Post count: 85

    Thanks for prompt reply. I will deploy your plugins on my live site shortly.


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Do let us know the result. Cheers!

    Post count: 85

    Dear sir,

    Thank you for great support.

    I have installed and activated your plugins on my live website with SSL. It is very good after activating it as it hide most stuffs of wordpress from being seen in both source codes as well all default WP login/register/forgot password, etc. are also disabled. Very good.

    However, I need also to hide /wp-admin on both front end and backend (I did discuss this with you before on my test site, and you did help me to do that), but it does not work. This is what I did:

    -General Settings –> Trusted Users: I click most all WP users’ roles except the custom ones created by the theme
    -Permanent Links & URLs –> I entered the following:
    Change log URL: /my_login_panel
    New wp-admin Path*: panel

    And leave everything else as default. Then I clicked on Save Settings button.

    I was redirected to a configuration page which asked me to insert this line manually in wp-config.php at root directory:

    // require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);
    define(“ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH”, “/panel”);

    I also commented out or disabled this line using //:

    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);

    Finally, I clicked on “I did it ….” button to go ahead with my new login panel. I was logged out instead of going to a new login page.

    What have I done not correctly?

    thank you in advance for your help.


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, I see that the ticket has been marked “resolved”. Is the above issue solved or still there?

    Post count: 85

    Hi sir,

    Godbless your team working on weekends.

    You made it work last time in another ticket on my test site. Now that hiding /wp-admin/ feature is not working; I have tested it on both VPS server from OVH similar to the server you tested last time, and on Bluehost where my live site is hosted.

    Last time, I did see you install .htaccess folder inside my wp admin? but my whole server was down and I had to reinsatll the whole server; that was why I have moved my sites to Bluehost about 3 weeks ago.

    Can you please help fix the issue.


    Post count: 85

    Not resolved yet; I did press wrong update yesterday.

    It seems hiding /wp-admin/ feature does not come by default on your plugins?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    Hi, HMWP doesn’t rename wp-admin path name by default. As it’s somewhat complex (needs manual steps), you’ll need to do it manually.

    If you want us to rename wp-admin for you then let us know the following:
    – wp-admin login details
    – FTP credentials
    – new name for “wp-admin”

    Post count: 85

    Hi sir,

    Thank you for your prompt support.

    Is it possible you could guide me to do that so that I dont need to come back asking the same question as my site is still under development and lots of changes are made every day including installing/reinstalling which involve uninstalling/installing your plugins too.


    Post count: 85

    One more question: after manual settings to change /wp-admin/, and in the future I want to remove your plugins, will that cause any issues to my website like Error 505, etc. I mean can I remove that manual settings and the whole plugins (Hide My WP) in the future if required?


    Post count: 85

    Please note: I wont share your codes with anyone on the Internet. I am very independent person; and just want to make my website more private.

    Thank you in advance.



    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    The tutorial to rename wp-admin is here – http://support.wpwave.com/videos/change-wp-admin-to-myadmin

    The important steps are to add code in wp-config.php, add rules in .htaccess file and then finally click on “I did it, login to new dashboard” button. Make sure that you don’t have any other plugin active that changes login paths.

    And if you deactivate HMWP plugin, then you’ll need to remove code from wp-config.php and HMWP rules from htaccess file.

    Post count: 85


    I did follow that guide, but it does not work on my site; I have been logged out.

    What rules I need to add manually into .htaccess file?


    Suman M.
    Post count: 12480

    All the steps you need to follow will be displayed when you choose to rename wp-admin – https://www.screencast.com/t/RZH8h18GPH8

    You only need to add HMWP rules to htaccess file if the rules are not auto added there.

    Also, generate debug report from HMWP start tab and post it here as private reply.

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