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If new upload path is ‘file’ following rules should work:
timthumb.php?src[equal]/wp-content/uploads/userpro=timthumb.php?src[equal]/../uploads/userpro timthumb.php?src[equal]http://site/file/userpro/=timthumb.php?src[equal]../uploads/userpro/
If those don’t work drop a mail from my profile and include login details. I’ll fix it urgently.
Sorry, it thinks WP changed something in latest version.
I added a line to Replace in HTML and it solved CSS issue but there’s a better method:
Add this line to the top of Nginx config file:
rewrite ^/template/main\.css /?style_wrapper=1 last;
Take a back up from Replace in HTML and delete it.
Let me know the result.
Sorry for delay,
1) Yes, as you said it caused by clean up menu classes. This is a feature with an star means it may not be compatible with your theme. It cleans some rarely used classes from menu items but it seems it used by your theme so you can not use that feature. If you really want this feature there’s a harder way: Disable Clean up menu classes, open your stylesheet and try to find those menu classes in stylesheet. Then rename them to something else e.g. change wp-menu to ps-menu. Now you should use Replace in HTML to replace your source code.
On important point here is that you should choose replaced string carefully: For instance you should not use ps=wp as a rule for above change because it will break some other classes, instead choose a longer string e.g. wp-menu=ps-menu you can also use spaces ” and so on. If the problem persists it means Javascripts files uses those classes and you should change them, too.
2) You’re right, just disable author without base option and leave page base empty. It will be fixed.
Sorry for delay,
Do you use MU enabled WP? It seems this is a bug with newest WP release, if you could provide login details I’ll fixed it for you.
ّIt was my fault, I had fixed it in the shop page. Now it’s OK with home page, too
Check it out!
Please add login details plus FTP account as a private reply in the topic I’ll fixed it for you.
If it’s not possible try renaming plugin directory and removing htaccess. When you login re-activate the plugin, remove htaccess again, go to plugin settings page, remove htaccess again(!) and finally click on reset settings!
Was Done 🙂
What do you mean from “matching the name in the theme files” or “new filename”? Could you please explain more.
Read this FAQ, too: a legal view it’s better to provide login details of a test site privately.
If it’s not possible, a screenshot may be helpful, too. In this case, we should work together to solve the problem.
@Tomi76 please create another topic.
You probably can hide it using Replace URLs and Replace HTML:
Use something like below in Replace URLs:
index.php?action=yith-woocompare-add-product==compare_products.phpThen add following to Repalce in HTML:
/?action[equal]yith-woocompare-add-product&id=/compare_products.php?idAs there’s a & sign here you may get into trouble if above doesn’t change URL try remove it or replace with
Do you still have problem with images? If yes, which one has problem?
Sorry Paul, I totally forgot you.
I just chosen safe minify and it seems it works. In case of stylesheet I found the problem. Please remove below line from Nginx config file and let me know the result:
rewrite ^/template/main\.css /wp-content/themes/prestige/style.css last;
Could you please provide your htaccess content here? (when it has problem)
You chosen Quick page compress and it has conflict with your theme syntax. I just changed it to simply minify and it was fixed!
I also notice you chosen Partial replace mode, you can use it but if you see wp-content in your source code change it to Full Page mode.
You were disabled pagination, too! So it doesn’t work!
In case of el… it seems there’s a change in MU 3.9 because I didn’t encounter with such problem before.So I should consider it in future version.
Anyway, I solved it by a line in Replace URLs. Check it out.