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It seems you enabled multi-site incompletely or use a very old setup. Please check your wp-config file and make sure you have following lines:
define( ‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
define( ‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);If you couldn’t find them simply add those lines after define(‘MULTISITE’, true);.
Please let me know your current WP version plus the version that you first enabled MU. (e.g. current version 3.6 and enabled MU in 3.4)
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
Hello Ali,
First please read this FAQ, if it didn’t help please provide site URL and probably a WP test account.
Thanks Adam for your kindness 🙂
It was mentioned in the documentation.Did you create database and install WP yourself?
If yes check out DB_HOST, too. If it’s ‘localhost’ should not be any problem. Maybe your server admin (host company) change somethings.
You should know database username and WP username are completely different things.First please choose ‘Full Page’ replace mode (General settings tab) then enter something as New theme path, New upload path and New plugins path (Permalink tab),
If you have problem please follow quick guide fix (located in Start tab), also make sure you don’t use several themes at the same time (e.g. maintenance plugins).
If the problem persist please provide more details (login info + htaccess file content)
HMWP is compatible with almost all premium themes. Genesis was also tested before so your problem is not related to your theme.
You just need to follow quick guide fix. Also, make sure you don’t use several themes at the same time (e.g. maintenance plugins, one theme for each pages and so on)
If your problem persists please provide more details (URL + htaccess file content)
HMWP is not an anti-spam plugin but it’s still useful for blocking some type of spammers. Try enabling ‘Avoid direct access to PHP files’ plus changing ‘wp_comments_post.php’ URL.
You can update it like other plugins whether you manually disable it or not. However if you disable it you will miss your current configurations.
HMWP updates htaccess file but these changes doesn’t make any problem for your site. (Even if HMWP was disabled)
You can use any standard text editor to edit htaccess but if you did it, please note you should choose ‘customized htaccess’ option in HMWP settings page. This tells HMWP that should not update htaccess automatically.
Be careful about it, any syntax error in htaccess will break your entire site.Hi,
I still don’t satisfy that it’s a require feature but by your requests I will implement it for next version 🙂 (2.1 or 2.2)
You can use current version with all other login plugins those use standard WP API for login URL. I think 90% of login plugins in community use it so you shouldn’t have any problem.
Hi Jonathan,
I also use DO and it’s great! But you need a SYS admin to configure your server correctly. When there was not enough RAM -because of lots of traffic or miss-configured server-, Apache kills MySQL and you may see that message.
Actually, I can’t help so much in this case. I just can suggest using Super Cache or W3TC and re-checking your server configuration.
Well, I disabled all plugins but even default WP permalink doesn’t work. It seems the problem is beyond WP.
Simply contact your host support and ask them about mode_rewrite module for Apache. They should know what the problem is.
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
Sorry I emailed it to a wrong address maybe because you created a topic, leaved a comment and also sent me an email. Here it’s:
Thanks, I configured but it seems there’s a problem with your server.HMWP is now configured but the image can’t be shown. I think it’s a problem with php.ini or Apache configurations that doesn’t allow relative URLs. Please ask your host support for more details.
Here’s the link that should work:
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
It just means your MySQL server is down.
It’s not related to my work or my plugin 🙂
Contact your host support.
I feel your site is a little slow sometimes. I suggest to upgrade your host or use a caching plugin.
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
It was fixed 🙂
Please note HMWP can’t work with multi-theme environments. It confuses to choose the theme that should be hided.
Anyway I fix it for you using Replace URLs feature but you still can’t use new style name. New style name and New theme path should be remain empty and if you change themes later you need to change Replace URLs, too.
I checked out your site but couldn’t find Timbthumb based images.
Which images or pages have problem?
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
Sorry about that,
Yes I mean a WP user account with administrator role.
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by